“Mixing Rap Vocals”

Sep 11, 2017 by KC Sounds - Comments Off on “Mixing Rap Vocals”

I’ve just recently mixed EP’s for a few upcoming Artists and one in particular is Proph.

Proph is a dope upcoming Rapper from London who I connected with through Targets Notice Board on Twitter.

We ended up working on 3 songs and I mixed the 3 songs that Proph blessed.

In this video I show you my approach to mixing Proph and my thought process behind the decisions I made to use certain plugins to achieve the best sound I thought worked for Prophs vocals

You can take some of the tips and use in your mixing to achieve a professional sound

Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. Leave any tips and tricks you use to achieve your sound, I’m open to learning new ways, as you already know the learning never stops

Links will be provided for you to check out as soon as the EP drops