Music Artist Tip: How To Pick Beats

Oct 10, 2016 by KC Sounds - Comments Off on Music Artist Tip: How To Pick Beats

How To Pick Beats

Picking the right beats, whether it’s Rap beats, Rnb beats or Pop beats can be an overwhelming and also a very time consuming experience.

Not only do you have beats being thrown at you from all angles “Buy Beats Here” “Download 50 free beats there” “Check out my website for fiya beats” and so on and so on…

The market is oversaturated with Beatmakers and Producers and this can make it 10X harder for you to pick the right beats for your sound, but don’t be put off by this, as this article will help you to narrow down your search for the beats you seek


Below are a few tips I’m gonna give you a few tips on how you can find the best beats for your style, and find a producer that you can work with long term

1.Listen to the major Artists (if that’s your thing) and the beats they are using

2.Type in youtube ‘Artist Name Type Beat’

3.Once you’ve found the right beats holla the Producer who made the beat and ask if you can use/buy the beat by leaving a comment or whatever contact method they’ve got. Some Producers charge good rates, others give them away free. Side note, if they’re free be sure that a lot of artists will be on the same beat, if that’s not a problem for you then it’s all good

4.Type keywords in Google such as ‘Rap instrumentals’ ‘Exclusive beats’ Buy Rap beats’ and you’ll find pages of beat websites

5.This can take time to go through all the pages and find beats. Don’t be fooled in thinking there are know good beats and producers on pages 5, 6, 7 and so on, don’t lie I know you don’t go past page 2! lol

6.Social media is a good way to see what producers/beatmakers are doing their thing. What I mean is, there are some producers posting clips of themselves in the studio making beats or clips of new beats they’re working on

7.Shop around and see who you feel most comfortable working with. If it’s right for you then you could work with the producer on other projects. It’s important that you work well together and that there’s a mutual understanding between you both

8.If your budgets low find a good upcoming Producer/Beatmaker in your area and collab. If you work well together who knows how big you can become

9.Find producers who produce custom beats if you prefer to have your own sound. Again, find a producer you are happy to work with

10.Remember quality is everything!
Don’t cut corners and settle for whack beats, this is your career, your name and your brand, so you need to have 100% quality beats and be taken seriously in this industry

I hope these tips have helped. If you’re already doing these things then you’re on the right path… Congrats