“Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams” | Journey of a Beatmaker/Producer

Jun 21, 2016 by KC Sounds - Comments Off on “Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams” | Journey of a Beatmaker/Producer

“Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams” | Journey of a Beatmaker/Producer

In this video I talk about starting my journey as beatmaker/producer when I 1st got my hands on the progamme MTV’s Music Generator 2, and how I progressed onto Logic Pro and got a Degree in Music Production.

I talk about not giving up on your dreams and why you should pursue your talent as a creative being. Using myself as an example having had a few knocks in Life, like everyone does, but not allowing that to stop me from achieving my dreams.

Most times, setbacks are designed to test your faith in God or whatever you believe in… I believe in God.

The time in between fulfilling your dreams and goals builds character and backbone as you become your best version.

Moral of the story is stay true to yourself because theres nobody else out here who can do YOU best